Vendor Info


  • Vendor is responsible for acquiring all necessary licenses and permits to operate their business in Florida/Collier county.
  • Vendors and/or the person(s) selling at our Farmers Market MUST speak English!
  • Invoices must be paid within 24 hours!


  • We have limited spaces available at Pine Ridge Road Farmers Market. If you are interested in joining the market, please contact us by text or email only.
  • We are NOT accepting any more jewelry vendors at the Pine Ridge Road Farmers Market at this time.
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: Submitting your application does not grant approval. Please do not send your application prior to acceptance! Applicants must be approved first by the Market Manager. Please provide a detailed list of proposed products/services offered at the market along with your contact information. Text 239-200-4401 or send email to Market Manager will notify you of decision and offer payment options if approved.
  • Vendors are no longer allowed to bring their pets to the market. No exceptions!
  • Because of the overwhelming amount of inquiries about the market, we ask existing and potential vendors to contact us by text or email only!